The Words and Sounds of Seddy: April 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whats beef?

Well well... Its that time again. It has come to my attention that some kids just dont get the point. They seem to think that its human nature to focus on what the next person is doing... And to be honest, I find it quite funny. It never fails, whenever a 'get-together' with a bunch of homosexuals takes place, theres always some type of drama that has to be involved... Well this year, I just happened to get caught up up the 'beef'. So yeah, I threw a few slick comments towards someone and that particular person paid it dust, but someone who had nothing to do with the issue decided to catch feeling and its been nothing but hell from that point on. Just to clarify, this hell has been on the other person cuz clearly i'm unbothered and will forever be...

They decided it would be cute to tell a bunch of other fags what took place way back in the winter time and ended up fabricating the story in the process. Yeah I tried to withdraw money from 2 different ATM's and for some reason my card wouldn't work... And i'm not saying there was no money on the card because CLEARLY I used the same card on my way home from the 'gathering'. It just so happened that the ATM's in Bitchville Alabama were on that bullshit and there was no Capital One Branches anywhere in sight (trust me... I searched high and low) so I was shit out of luck... Now had I known my ATM card would be going thru the motions at 2AM I woulda gotten cash back when we went to Wal-Mart earlier that day.... But it aint like they sent me a text message saying 'Your card will not be accessible after 1AM' but anyway... So yeah, I borrowed $5 to get into the run down club full of dykes and trannies and one of my good Ju Ju's bought me a few drinks... Woopdie Doo! If anyone should be worried about THAT, it should be me and the Ju Ju that paid my way into the club...

BUT WAIT!!! I've been known to take trips in the past. And each and every trip except that one, I've paid my own way 100% and I dare a fag to say differently because I got the receipts. Now chew on that!

Now... I find it quite funny how you aint even got yo shit together but got the nerve to try to throw shade about my funds... Get with the program, I'm working 1 full time job... 42 hours a week... Drivin back and forth to work and still havin the money to pay the cable bill, gas bill, buy my cigs, put gas in the car, pay the car note, insurance, buy dog food for Lil Mama, pay for my XBox Live Gold Membership and the list goes on. And if my Ju Ju wanted his money back, he has my number and could simply call and ask for them and wouldn't get the run around about it either.

But lets talk about how the same person that paid my way into the club bought you a bus ticket and took you into their spare bedroom when you had no place to stay. Lets talk about how you workin 2 jobs and still walking to work and still sleeping in that spare bedroom. Lets talk about how you have no business what so ever. Lets talk about how you havin to make due with mediocre job opportunities because your speech impediment wont allow you to get a REAL job making REAL money. I can see why you mad... And you will remain that way, but I guarantee you this... You aint neva gotta worry about me taking time out of my busy schedule to come spend time with you on your birthday again... Call the judies that stood you up when they said they would bring you some food to serve. OOP! Now thats beef!