The Words and Sounds of Seddy: Ending it all...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ending it all...

Ok... So recently I've been seeing this bullshit on the news about this lady that attempted to put a hit out on her husband... The gag is, she hired an Undercover Cop as her hitman... STUPIDITY! Then when the cops told her that her husband had been killed she put on a big ass front, crying and shit, acting like she was surprised... But then while in the interrogation room they spooked her ass by bringing in the Undercover Cop she hired to kill her husband, then bringing in her husband to complete the deal...

Now... Theres a few things that run thru my mind everytime I see this story... Why didn't she just file for a divorce and continue her life as a free woman? Im sorry but I just dont understand the logic in hiring someone to kill your husband when you feel the relationship has reached a dead end... 

Now i'm not gonna lie, at times I feel like im trapped in my relationship for a number of reasons but I do know that if I come to the point where I've had enough, I can pack my shit, and head back to Atlanta where i'll have a place to stay and a job lined up... Its not that fucking serious... I would never put a hit out on my boyfriend just because I was tired of being with him... I would simply let him know that I feel the relationship isn't going anywhere and call it quits. Now if he was to put his hands on me, I would call up some cousins and have them come have a 'chat' with him but I would never go as far as killing the man simply because i'm unhappy... There are plenty of fish in the sea and I know i'm not an ugly nigga, so I know... ESPECIALLY IN ATLANTA... It would be no biggie for me to find someone else.

I just wish people would think before making foolish decisions... Now this dumb bitch is gonna spend the rest of her life in jail for being a dumb ass and attempting to put a hit out on her husband. And then what makes the situation even worse is that when she met ol dude, she was an escort... Basically that muthafucka changed her life and this is how she repays him? If you ask me, that bitch got issues... He said himself that they've been going thru a number of problems, from her constantly lying about stupid shit to faking a pregnancy that her own MOTHER knew about. REALLY?? WTF?!?! If you ask me, he was stupid for staying with her this long... after faking the pregnancy I would've sent that bitch on her way and told her not to look back... But I guess he wanted to make it work, and believe me... I know how that feels...

There has been plenty of times I was ready to call it quits, but after all we've been thru, I decided to talk it out with my boyfriend and come to a conclusion and we're still together today! 
Wake up America!!! You cant have someone killed just because you're unhappy... Either talk the shit out or call it quits... plain and simple... 


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